
AMD Radeon HD 4000 Series在Windows 10顯示無法滿版的修正方法

AMD Radeon HD 4000 Series在Windows 10顯示無法滿版的修正方法
AMD Radeon HD 4000 Series Overscan / Underscan fix on Windows 10

主機板內建的顯示卡是AMD Radeon HD 4250(4000 series),根據AMD官方的文章是不支援Windows 10,建議升級到較新的顯示卡。
但是網路爬文之後,發現AMD官方網站有支援Windows 8.1的驅動程式,可以在Windows 10之下使用,雖然還是有一些小問題,但是至少可以正常的使用了。不過也衍生了另外一個問題,就是AMD的驅動程式預設是會縮小15%的顯示範圍,這樣就無法點對點的正常顯示了........ 雖然叫出AMD Vision Control Center可以更改為0%,但是每次開機都要更改,還是讓人無法忍受。終於在網路上找到一篇修改的方法的文章,方法如下:

I believe this will remove the overscan/underscan for any AMD card but I have only tested it on a Radeon HD 4800.

TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK, editing the registry can cause serious problems.

On to the fix!
In windows 10,  search for "regedit", and run it.
Click File, Export and save as "backup" to wherever you want, just in case something goes wrong you can revert it back.
On the left navigate to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\
In this folder there will be multiple folders with long names, look for the one with a folder inside named "0000", there will be a ton of other settings, on the right, once you find the right one.
As an example the folder name my "0000" was located in is "{55038BE3-BCB9-4757-9ACF-05AC30F7CBF9}"
Next right click the "0000" folder and click "Find", search for the resolution you are using, in my case it was 1920x1080.
It will highlight it on the right, for me it was "DALR6 DFPI 21920x1080x0x59", the last number is the refresh rate for the screen, look for the refresh rate you use if the first one it highlights is not the one.
Right click the highlighted name and click Modify
Here we want to change all the numbers on the right to 00's, put your cursor before the number you want to change, press the "Del" key, then press "0".
Click OK, minimize the registry and right click the desktop, Display Settings, Advanced Display Settings, and change the resolution to anything else, then back to the resolution you edited in regedit. Your underscan should be gone! (Edit: If changing resolution doesn't work, try rebooting.)

Here's the source I found the solution at: http://www.avsforum.com/forum/26-home-theater-computers/1251639-how-i-fixed-overscan-underscan-issues-ati-card-without-catalyst-control-center.html#post18675728
